Home > Artworks > Iñaki González-Oribe

Photo of Iñaki González-Oribe Spain

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Vitoria-Gasteiz 1957

  • Collections:

Basque Government (Decree of Culture and Tourism)

Fundación Caja Vital Kutxa-Vitoria-Gasteiz


EITB Radio Vitoria-Gasteiz Irratia

2000 Art-Active Arts Promotion Centre of the Basque Country

Diputación de Badajoz

Parque Tecnológico de Álava...

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Vitoria-Gasteiz 1957

  • Collections:

Basque Government (Decree of Culture and Tourism)

Fundación Caja Vital Kutxa-Vitoria-Gasteiz


EITB Radio Vitoria-Gasteiz Irratia

2000 Art-Active Arts Promotion Centre of the Basque Country

Diputación de Badajoz

Parque Tecnológico de Álava

  • Awards:

1st Prize Art Competition 2001 Alaves

Basque Government Sculpture:''Atsegin Sariak handiz "

2 nd Prize of Photography "in key equality" of the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz 2001

3rd Prize Amurrio Villa Painting

Work selected in the 2000 Art Competition Alaves Vitoria

Selected Work in the Experimental Poetry Contest II Badajoz 2003

Selected work in the Experimental Poetry Contest III of Badajoz 2005

1st prize in the pet Deportivo Alaves

  • Seminars:

Rapporteur of the Seminar (Space Organization) for the Center for Information Technology and Communication CETIC 2002

Rapporteur of the Seminar (Space Organization) for the Center for Information Technology and Communication CETIC 2003

President of AMBA Association of Friends of the Museum of Fine Arts, Artium de Álava

Member of the Advisory Committee on Procurement of Funds for Museum of the Provincial Council of Alava

  • underline "> Curated:

Exhibition and catalog: Experimental Poetry. " Funds selection of the Publications Department of the Diputación de Badajoz, 2002-2006. Archive Exhibition Hall of the Historical Territory of Álava.

  • Address:

President of AMBA Association of Friends of the Museo de Bellas Artes de Álava and ARTIUM

Art Director Campbell & Partners Advertising (1990 - 2000)

  • Jury:

International Poetry Cerrtamen Experimental (Argentina) Second short story contest
"The ship left and came back" Río Gallegos - Santa Cruz - Argentina. Alaves Art Competition 2002

  • Publications:

Catalog sculptor Jorge Girbau for Centro Cultural de Vitoria (Design)

Brenan artist catalog Provincial Archives ATHA Duarte Historical Territory of Álava (Lyrics)

Manual Signs Corporate Alava Technology Park

Corporate Signage Manual Azitain foreign-Eibar (Gipuzkoa)

Corporate Signage Manual outside Mutriku (Bizkaia)

Book cover of "Clusters of the North" by José Luis Pasarín

Amilamia Magazine Cover

Magazine Lux Daemoniorum "

Cartel "Korrika kultural"

Cartel "Euskal Herria Euskaraz

Literary magazine The pharmacy

Cartel "The Contemporary Art World "Portugal. AMBA

March 3rd Anniversary Poster

  • Editions:

Artist CD-ROM Landazabal Javier Hernandez

Short "Dale" C14 Group

  • Exhibitions:

Courtyard of the Columns (Badajoz)

Spanish Institute (Lisbon)

Museo Artium Vitoria Collective

Casa de Cultura Miranda de Ebro (Burgos)

Active Art Exhibition Hall "Ocres or build" Vitoria (Alava)

Parque Tecnológico de Álava (Timing)

Sala Fundación Caja Vital (funds)

Dublin Area Art

Casa del Cordón Board: Collective

Manuel Iradier Gallery: Collective

Luis Sala Ajuria "Contest Winners Art Alaves 2001

Vitoria Airport Board Collective

Luis Sala Ajuria: Collective

Colegio Miguel de Unamuno: Mural Theme

Hideout Space: Artists Collective

Exhibition Hall "La Casona" Collective Amurrio

Space hideout. Self Portraits

Hideout Space: Amar Amar

Otxanda Art Space.

Centro Cultural: Collective "Tres de Marzo"

Art Space Factory: C14 Group

1 Km Vitoria Art

Active Art Exhibition Hall "Ocres or build"

Villasuso room of the C14 Group Photo Collective

Collective Ajuria Luis Sala

River Art Space (15 years old after this) - (berrogei urte gero eta hau)

Hideout Space: Homage Xabin Egaña

Mural (II Rices of the World) Vitoria

Exhibition Hall "La Casona" Collective Amurrio

Casa de Cultura Miranda de Ebro Collective

Cooperative Mural Munduko arrozak World Rice 08

Werkmeister-Art Space

Cooperative Mural Munduko arrozak Rice's 09 World

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